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Crazy Gin

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Crazy Singh Crazy Kaur Crazy Gin

Welcome to the latest episode of the Breaking Bread Podcast with Carl & Liam. This week we sit down for a great chat with Lassi based Crazy Gin creators Paramjit & Bruce.

Crazy Gin An Indian British Fusion

They talk us through their story and their inspiration for taking an Indian British fusion upbringing and distilling it into a gin.

From a drunken night in with some rubbish chicken tikka to road trips across the country becoming the talk of one of Britain’s best-known stores, Harvey Nichols.

Iconic Crazy Gin Bottle

This episode goes into great detail about taking an idea, developing it into a product and then getting it out there, a very useful story for somebody doing the same.

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Crazy Singh Meets Breaking Bread

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Logo designed by Cardiff based artist now accepting commissions 

music is royalty-free track i will not let you let me down by edited by Liam Haughey under creative license 3

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